Applying for a new loan to pay back existing debt is only beneficial if you can get a better interest rate. If you do not have a very high credit score or have difficulty paying the debt you currently owe, a debt consolidation loan is very unlikely to be an option available to you. Credit counseling programs do not require a high credit score. This type of program will lower your interest rates in most cases and provide you with one monthly payment.If you desire a lower payment than credit counseling, Debt Consolidation in Mckinney using debt settlement might be the best option! After talking to a debt specialist, they can evaluate your creditors and your budget to design a program that balances resolving the debt with a program you can afford.The monthly cost could be less than half compared to minimum payments, but the more you can afford monthly, the faster the program will be completed.
If debt relief in McKinney is right for you, your debt specialist will review your creditors and your budget. These programs are designed for people who are struggling to pay their debt. Be honest with your debt specialists. If you are not in financial hardship or if you do not disclose expensive assets such as investment properties, the creditors may not be willing to negotiate the lowest possible settlement.
What Not To Expect From Debt Settlement:
- Legal advice or bankruptcy
- Solutions for taxes
- Monthly payments made on your behalf
- New loans
- Assuming any debt
What Can These Programs Do For You?
The primary purpose of debt settlement is to provide an affordable form of Debt Relief in Texas without a new loan. While credit counseling negotiates interest rates, debt settlement negotiates the balances. The monthly cost of the program could be less than half compared to minimin payments. In most cases, the programs are estimated between 2 to 4 years, depending on what is affordable monthly. Programs may be longer or shorter than estimated based upon the actual settlements obtained with the creditors and factoring in the financial hardship during negotiations.
Talk to a Texas Debt Specialist to find out how much you could save and how quickly you could be debt-free.
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