If you happen to be a Lubbock resident facing a huge debt credit card debt, there are options to resolve it and save you a lot of money in the process. It’s very much possible to gain control of your finances of overwhelming debt. There are many options for Debt Relief in Lubbock, Texas. These are some strategies that can be helpful.
The Debt Management Options
The first option to understand is Credit Counseling in Lubbock. This option is also referred to as a Debt Management Plan (DMP). The credit counselor will review your debts and typically enroll your credit cards and some high-interest personal loans. The program will provide lower interest rates which are known as concession rates.
The best part is that you will be able to focus on just one monthly payment for all enrolled creditors with the DMP. There are two items to consider as you are not able to open additional credit lines until you’ve finished your DMP, and you will not be able to make additional charges on your enrolled credit cards. This is a hardship program, so obtaining more debt will be very counterproductive while enrolled.
Debt Relief in Lubbock with Debt Settlement
A debt settlement program is another way to obtain Debt Consolidation in Texas. Unlike a credit counseling program, monthly payments are not made to each creditor. Instead, you will save money into an FDIC insured account as your accounts are negotiated and settled one at a time for less than you owe the creditors. The savings can be tremendous, and you can have a monthly cost that could be less than half of your minimum credit card payments in many cases. If you are interested in reducing your debt with credit counseling or debt settlement, speak with a Texas Debt Specialist at Affordable Debt Consolidation.
Credit Card Balance Transfer
If you are not struggling with your debt, there are some other options to consider. A credit card balance transfer falls under the general umbrella of debt consolidation. For example, if you have high interest rates, perhaps 25 percent, you can transfer the balance to a lower interest rate card if your credit score is good enough to qualify. This is not always the best strategy because the new credit card is likely to only offer an introductory low-interest rate.
Debt Consolidation Loans in Lubbock Texas
If you have good credit scores and a good debt-to-income ratio, this will probably be your best option to eliminate high credit card interest rates. This gives them the freedom to focus on making a single monthly loan payment every month and pay off their debt much faster. Your best chance of obtaining a good debt consolidation loan in Lubbock is to apply with multiple lenders at once. Affordable Debt Consolidation will shop up to 25 or more lenders that offer debt consolidation loans in Lubbock. Applying will not affect your credit score and there are no application fees. You can apply at affordabledebtconsolidation.com
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