If you cannot repay your debts or you have a tarnished credit history, you might want to visit a credit counselor to guide you through ways to re-establish your credit. Credit counseling is a different debt relief plan that does not directly affect your credit score. However, some steps may dent your score a little bit before they improve.
How credit counseling could affect your credit score
Credit Counseling in Texas will not directly affect your score, but signing up for a debt management plan may or may not have a negative impact, depending on where you currently stand. Credit counselors sometimes provide debt settlement plans among their services, and some of these programs can temporarily impact credit score. It entirely depends on the actions recommended by the counselor to repay your debts.
Debt consolidation in Fort Worth, Texas involves a debt specialist negotiating interest rates and repayment plans with creditors then creating a repayment plan that works for you. The process is usually very simple. The credit counselor accepts a single monthly payment from you and delivers it to the respective creditors till your debt is cleared.
If you use a program that negotiates a lower repayment amount for you, the account will be settled. While this is not as good as a paid in full with no late payments, this will dramatically improve your debt-to-income ratio and it will let you rebuild your credit score quickly.
Is credit counseling bad?
Credit counseling in Fort Worth is not bad, but it does not work for everyone. Debt management plans work for only selected loans, and services may vary in cost between $25 and $50 every month. The rest of the credit counseling fees are paid by your creditors.
Credit counseling is also good if you are less than 6 months delinquent on credit cards. The credit counselor may require to close all credit cards on the plan. Account closures might cause an increase in your credit usage, which causes a drop in your credit score.
Debt Settlement may impact your credit score more, but it will also help you resolve debt quicker and for less money. You may be able to recover your financial profile faster if you use a short debt settlement program, especially if you are already falling behind.
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